1 December 2023


In the ever-evolving hospitality industry, the notable rise of the lifestyle segment over the past five years and the emergence of brands that defy conventional norms signify not merely an isolated trend for a select few but a significant global macro shift. Lifestyle, once limited to niche audiences, has now transcended segments, exerting its influence across a spectrum that includes luxury hotels to economy brands

16 October 2023


As the old adage goes, “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” This enduring philosophy perfectly encapsulates the approach Singapore Airlines has quietly embraced, a key factor in the timeless nature of the airline brand.

In hospitality and travel, service is the heartbeat that breathes life into every interaction and sets the stage for memorable experiences. When it comes to shaping a service culture that resonates visually, nothing encapsulates it more effectively than a distinct and recognizable uniform. Singapore Airlines, renowned for its exceptional service, serves as a prime living example.

09 October 2023

Brand management Fabrice Burtin quote

Too often we see companies changing their logo hoping to fix a positioning or brand perception challenge. But a brand logo will always be only a visual representation of something much deeper that can’t be fixed with a simple change of brand identity. Hiding the dust under the carpet is a short-term measure used as a magic wand while the deeper branding proposition is overlooked. Brand logos will need subtle adjustments over the years to embrace either modernity, geographic growth or evolution of audiences’ aspirations but a logo radical change is a costly exercise (financial, but not only) that should only be considered as a last ressource.

Every brand, in any industry, aims at being “timeless”, and consistency is first a mark of confidence and company solidity that customers and company employees are looking for. This is achieved through careful brand strategy and brand management.

25 September 2023


Welcome to the 2024 annual BRTN Guest Experience Trends in Luxury Resorts report. When operating in regions renowned for their opulence and cultural diversity, staying attuned to the evolving preferences and expectations of high-end travellers is paramount for resorts to maintain a competitive edge and for developers to optimise the value of their assets. This report delves into eight pivotal macro trends that are reshaping the luxury travel landscape in a post Covid-19 world.

September 2023

Once a hidden gem savoured by seasoned aficionados, the bold and bittersweet Negroni has burst onto cocktail menus everywhere, boasting countless creative variations. As we dive into the spirit of Negroni Week, we take a journey through the vibrant history of this classic cocktail, from humble beginnings in an Italian café in Florence, to becoming a global brand gracing every bars in the world.

August 2023

Following extensive market research, branding and guest experience work done for the Senior Living sector, BRTN has identified 8 macro trends that are shaping the future of the industry in Asia.The senior living industry is undergoing a remarkable societal transformation in response to changing demographics, evolving consumer preferences, and advancements in healthcare and technology. With an aging population and a growing awareness of the importance of quality senior care, several trends are reshaping the landscape of senior living across the region.